Monday, September 12, 2011

life and all its messys

So, this morning I woke up to Carson playing in his room all nice and quite, it was nice not to have him pound on the door, Lance had work at 6 so he got up at 5 in doing so woke me up. I didn't mind but I went back to sleep and Carson woke up around 6:30ish I just let him play till about 7. When I walked into his room it was a sight to see.... poop everywhere. yep he has a blowout and tryed to take his own diaper off and well, there was just a great mess for me to pick up. Mind you the night before I was sick, but you know all I keep thinking about was," it could have been worse." I throw away his book Each Peach Pare Plum, it is one of Carson favorites but you know there are just some thing that you can't get clean. but in all this morning has not been that bad it can only get better. I hope.
Last week was a good week, I love my husband!! for our anniversary he got me a new camera, and it is amazing! he told me now I can get more pictures to send to him when he is got at basic and AIT. when he told me that I felt happy but a little sad at the same time. We both think that this will be good for our family and we know it is not going to be easy but we are ready for what is to come. He loves to take pictures on the camera and he is good at taking pictures too! I will put some of them up at the end of this.
Other then all that I am now 37 weeks, I am hoping to go into labor soon not only because I am feeling like I am done being pregnant but also I want Lance to have as much time with both of his boys before he leaves.but I know when he is ready to come he will.  Well, I am off to go on a walk with Carson and then who knows what. here are the pictures.
 Carson loves Sundays, this is him before church.
 Talking on the phone with dad.
 I love this picture! Lance took it on one of our walks, I just think it is so pretty
My puzzle I did in 2 days I thought it was pretty awsome.

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